I met my wife and for the first time I became focused. Around 1986, I started
sending my artwork to skateboard companies in hopes of getting recognition. In 1987, I moved to California where I got a job
working for Tracker Designs. Tracker Designs was at the time the largest skateboard company in the world, they published Transworld
Skateboarding Magazine and the best trucks in the world. They invented OJ skateboard wheels. They sponsored Tony Hawk in the
1980's when only dudes like me knew who he was. Let me tell you this about Tony Hawk from the 1980's. He had a bowl ramp at
his home allot of skaters I used to hang with went there. They used to say "That Tony Hawk he is so conceded, one time I cut
out in front of him and he said don't you know I am the greatest skateboarded on earth?" You know what he was right. No one
has done more for skateboarding than Tony has. In the 1980's while working for Tracker is when I went off the hook and did
so much ding dang artwork. I mailed many copies to skateboard companies and originals. Tracker Put me on a contract and purchased
a bunch of comics from me. I have a bunch from back then. It seemed like that is when I started doing really great stuff.
To any artist to sell their work is a huge ego booster. I have been doing art like a machine since then. In 2005 I did over
100 rad paintings. Anyway if you talk to me for more than 5 minutes about my art I will mention 250 pages of really cool skateboard
comics I have from back then. The past years have been ground breaking for me. I must have about 500 + pieces of art that
I did since 1998 that can only be described as the top of it's genre, what ever that may be, and to my enemies or (envy)mies
as I call them, I am a no body. I have seen envey many times in college. You
work almost a year on a animation and you sit in class and some students refuse to watch it. Envey is awful thing. I want
people to journey with me, to let me be their art instead of envey. To them I say I am the reason artist to day are not discovered
I am the missing link. Without my recognition, there is no recognition. The quality of my art is on the rise. So stay tuned.
I have 1500 + art and comics from 1988-now, that I want to entertain with. I plan to reveal all of these pieces to the www
in the future. All 1500 + pieces of art I have saved all this time are frame worthy. I throw trashy scribbles in the trash.
I have a small fraction of my art up on the web. When I lived in California I had moved there for the sk8ing as well as my
passion for artwork. In the late 1980's Skateboarding was at a all time high and that is because I move from Connecticut to
California than and got a job with Tracker Design the biggest skateboard company in the world. Tracker also owns Transworld
Skateboarding (and snowboarding) Magazine. Clothing, equipment you name it. Also they where the Sponsor of Tony Hawk. Gleaming
the cube came out I knew and had skated with almost every pro there was back then. I used to have free access to Mike McGuil's
skatepark in Carlsbad, California. Mike did the stunts for Gleaming The Cube Movie and Police Academy. My whole life I seem
to be surrounded by important people. I should have went to college out of high school, Yale or something in Connecticut or
Boston. I was a rebellious kid though. I just wanted to have a good time. I am trying to make up for that now. It is never
too late. Look at it this way, by some miracle I survive to be like some museum piece from the seventy's untouched. I give
you the art of the seventy's with out any influence of college in the 1980's. I learned what I know by experience. I have
been going to college for 4 years now (since 2001) with a A Average all paid for in cash by me. It is a struggle believe me.
But I choose art my way and I hope the whole world will enjoy that someday. That will be the day. My love for art shines in
every work of art I do. I can use any medium. Give me any art tool including a computer art and I will blow you away. It has
taken years of hard work to arrive at this point. Now I am at a place and time in my life where I would like to get a job
as a animator, comic artist or illustrator or anything where I will be developing cool art. One of my favorite teachers said
I would make a great art director. College is intense and will take me to that job I want as a graphic artist. Before you
go check out the art, and animation's I have created please note: if you are offended by movies like Harry Potter you should
understand like Harry Potter and video games like Doom, my art is make believe, pretend meant only to entertain. Oh and I
could say drugs are cool, to go along, the truth is I hate drugs and I do not even drink. If you label my art as drug related
that is the type of prejudice that ruins lives and ambitions. If you say some one's art looks like it is drug related and
they hate drugs, then you are saying they should hate their art. This is my push for all great artists, be a rock to this
and forge forward (for you, not to please others) no matter what bigots think or say or use to oppress you with. I do not
do comics or animation’s allot or hardly ever. The reason is I have to get paid to do this. When I do a painting I can
hang it on my wall and it entertains me every day. It is like food for the eyes where ever I walk in my house. Also it inspires
me to do more and better paintings. Comics and animation’s I have to go find then I watch or read it and then what?
You can only watch or read something so many times before you are sick of it. Doing this site was a real moral booster to
me. I promise you this if I where to start comics again they would be spectacular! I would like to do a modern art comic novel.
If any of you all can help me by giving a good word or linking me to a site
please do! I want more than any thing to publish the comics I already have. Of course I have all the original art if excellent
condition. I always use fine quality paper and bristol board. I have been hanging out in art stores talking to people since
the mid 1980's, that is how I got my education. Also around 1988 I attended the San Diego Comic Convention (the largest in
the world) I spent the whole weekend there talking to all the venders and sitting with the artist's. That is when the Teenage
Ninja Turtle came out and the actual artist drew me a picture for 1 dollar. As you can tell by the way I write I talk allot
. I guarantee if you read my comics you will laugh. I would except for all the blood sweat and tears put into it. Good health
and prosperity, friends.
Sincerely, Radman
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This is a privately owned and operated web site. Please do not steal my art. I do my art for all, but not to be stolen. If
I could just get help from a publisher to make money to do better and more art. If you like my art surely you would like that.